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Kaemingk, Matthew. Christian Hospitality and Muslim Immigration in an Age of Fear.

Eerdmans, 2018. Book, 296p. Academic. 

Abstract: An alternative, uniquely Christian response to the growing global challenges of deep religious difference []. "Kaemingk draws on the resources of Dutch Neo-Calvinist political theology and argues for what he calls 'Christian pluralism.' Eschewing religious pluralism, and upholding the exclusivity of Christ, he offers a framework for thinking about how Christians ought to treat those of different religions, Islam in particular. His construct envisions Christians working together with peoples of all faiths for human flourishing, to the end that all might ultimately know the one true Lord and Savior." [For the rest of this review by Derek Hiebert of Western Seminary, click here.]

Keywords: hospitality, theology, Islam, immigration, multiculteralism

Lingel, Joshua, Jeff Morton, and Bill Nikides, eds. Chrislam: How Missionaries Are Promoting an Islamized Gospel.

i2 Ministries Publications, 2011. Book, English. Click here for purchase.

Questions surrounding insider movements have troubled many working with Muslim/Hindu background believers. As the title might suggest, this book is critical of such movements and aims to "confront these hyper-contextualized methods within Islam and aims to call the body of Christ back to biblical missiology. 18 leading scholars contributed to this book working thought for thought deconstructing the all the main theological points that the 'insider' scholars use to propagate their position.

     "This important study engages the question of how much one can & should remain connected to one's Muslim heritage as that Muslim comes to embrace Christ." [From i2 Ministries web page]

     For ISM workers specializing in Muslim ministry. The book includes an extensive bibliography of works promoting insider movements.

Keywords: Islam, Muslim, MBB, insider movements, common ground

Masri, Fouad. Connecting with Muslims: A Guide to Communicating Effectively.

IVPress, 2014. Book, 199p. English. Click here to purchase.

Abstract: Fouad Masri provides practical ways for Christians to initiate conversations and develop relationships with Muslims. He offers insights into Muslim culture and helps Christians understand and relate their Muslim friends. Masri addresses seven common questions that Muslims ask about Jesus and the Christian faith, providing sensitive answers that winsomely guide Muslims to Jesus without arguing or awkward debating. With real-life stories of fruitful conversations and genuine relationships, Masri helps readers see Muslims as Jesus sees them, without fear, with love, hope and expectation. [From IVPress]

Keywords: Islam, evangelism, contextualization, communication

Cubs to Lions.

Engaging Islam. Training course, conducted annually In the USA and Canada. Click here for more information.

Abstract: The Cubs to Lions training course is designed specifically for MBBs (Muslim Background Believers), whether new converts or mature believers. The founder, Georges Houssney, writes, "We understand the numerous challenges you face as a Christian from a Muslim background. Adjusting to a new community, facing persecution, and developing a Christian worldview are only some of the many issues covered in our training. Coming to Christ is exciting. Remaining in Christ is difficult. Why? Because living the Christian life requires transformation of our minds, hearts and lifestyles. This requires discipline and training. I want to invite you to join us for a week of teaching designed particularly for believers from Muslim backgrounds. You will learn biblical answers for the real and unique problems you face."

Keywords: Islam, discipleship, MBB, training

Adeney, Miriam. Daughters of Islam: Building Bridges with Muslim Women.

IVPress, 2002. Book, 224p. English. Click here  to purchase.

Abstract: In Daughters of Islam, Miriam Adeney introduces you to women like Ladan, Khadija and Fatma. You'll learn about their lives, questions and hopes. You'll learn how they are both representative of and unique among their Arab, Iranian, Southeast Asian and African sisters. And you'll discover what has drawn them to Christ. Adeney explores the many interwoven threads that make up daily experience for Ladan, Khadija, Fatma and their sisters, including


  • sexuality, singleness and marriage

  • children and extended family

  • finances

  • religious tradition and practice

  • teaching and learning styles


As you enter into the lives of Ladan, Khadija and Fatma, you'll gain insight into how to relate to other women of Muslim background--and how to introduce them to Christ.

Keywords: Islam, women, evangelism

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